XHamster is one of the largest free porn tube sites in the world. This location has been online since 2007. and by now it offers millions of free porn videos. On the main page, you’ll the most viewed clips and the newest ones, as more than 3000 are added daily. Thumbnails are looking terrific since they are animated. That way, you’ll figure out what is going on in the scene before you click on it. You’ll also see the rating of the scene, how long it is, and is it available in HD.

Of course, you’ll need more navigation options, so on the left, you’ll find tens of categories, and you can search vids by channels or pornstars too. Also, don’t forget the filer just below XHamster logo, as you can choose would you like to view, hetero, gay or transgender content. Of course, If you have something specific on your mind, try a manual search. As we said, there are millions of videos, so you’ll probably find whatever you are looking for. We have to mention the beautiful design, and you can switch between dark and bright mode. Even though it looks like your typical porn tube site, there is additional content here that you might have missed before, even if you are a frequent visitor. For example, there are stories here, and they are available in multiple languages. New stories are coming a few time per hour, so there is plenty to choose. Also, for more porn sites like XHamster you can visit https://thecamdude.com/xhamster/.
Free and Premium XHamster Accounts
XHamster was built with the idea to connect people, so dating function is also integrated. First, you’ll need to register and then you can try your luck. Alternatively, there is also a live cam show. If you want to move things one step further, you’ll need a premium account. The difference here is that you are not paying for a membership, but you’ll be using tokens to buy them. Of course, these videos are of better quality, and there are no ads.
Homemade Amateur Porn Videos
Ads are not prevalent on the main page, but once you choose a video to watch, you’ll see a bunch of banners. The bigger problem are those annoying video ads that are too loud for anyone’s ears. At least the video player is terrific as it loads quickly and even gives you a choice of resolutions, going up to 720p. You can also enable auto start, just like on YouTube.